Resource Efficiency in Construction and the Built Environment (RECBE)

Resource Efficiency in Construction and the Built Environment (RECBE)

Nearly half of the UK’s carbon emission are linked to the construction and operation of the built environment, and this figure excludes the embodied carbon in the materials used in construction. The challenge to reduce emissions from the built environment is immense: buildings have long lives locking in use-phase performance over generations; new build rates are at only 1% per year compared to the existing building stock requiring difficult retrofit options; design and construction processes are complex involving numerous materials, products, trades and decisions. And all the while, consumers continue to demand higher levels of service provision from the built environment. 


RECBE responds to these challenges by seeking to answer the question: how can the built environment deliver future energy and material services, while at the same time reducing resource use and environmental impact?  RECBE provides a regular forum for academics, designers, engineers, contractors and policy makers to explore these ideas, to formulate novel solutions, and collaborate together on research and implementation projects. 


Practically, this means meeting two or three times a year, for a presentations and discussion around a chosen topical theme. Members are encouraged to present their ideas and findings from their research projects and activities, and to be open to potential collaborations. A small steering committee will be formed from the members to help with host and run these events.  Please feel free to join in, invite others and contribute in any way you can, to make this venture a success.   


1st RECBE meeting, 10th Jan 2018 (London, ASBP)

2nd RECBE meeting, 24th Sep 2018 (London, GRIMSHAW)

3rd RECBE meeting, 14th Feb 2019 (Cambridge, Department of Engineering)

4th RECBE meeting, 27th Feb 2020 (London, elliotwood)

5th RECBE meeting, 23rd Sep 2020 (on-line)

6th RECBE meeting, 29th Jan 2021 (on-line)

7th RECBE meeting, 23rd Apr 2021 (on-line)

8th RECBE meeting, 25th Feb 2022 (on-line)

9th RECBE meeting, 7th Oct 2022 (hybrid)