Supply Chain Resilience
Refficiency’s Karla recently presented our work on resource efficiency and included her work on MAT-dp at CCG’s COP26 Side Event – Climate Resilience. Electricity systems offer several opportunities...
Refficiency’s Karla recently presented our work on resource efficiency and included her work on MAT-dp at CCG’s COP26 Side Event – Climate Resilience. Electricity systems offer several opportunities...
African countries are expected to experience some of the worst climate effects, while trying to provide higher electricity access and increase wellbeing. Concrete, steel, and aluminium present the...
We’re very excited to be part of a £38m project on Climate Compatible Growth which is a multi-institutional programme involving Jon Cullen from Resource Efficiency Collective in the...
Further information relating to Climate Compatible Growth: November 2022: WATCH Karla chairs a side-event that features Jon as a speaker with CCG at COP27: Material Implications of Low-Carbon...