Our Shared Understanding: a circular economy for the built environment
We cannot continue exceeding the limits of our finite planet.
To have a sustainable future, the built environment must embrace the circular economy.
We need a shared understanding to work together to make this a reality.
Resource Efficiency Collective’s RECBE has recently contributed to Our Shared Understanding which is a summary of core concepts that inform the transition to a circular economy. By holding these principles in common, we can align policies, strategies and initiatives, enabling the built environment industries to work together towards a more sustainable future.
By ‘Built Environment’ we are referring to social and economic infrastructure, as well as all of the urban spaces and managed landscapes between.
The call to action is to pull together to make a circular economy in the built environment become mainstream. Everyone who wants to make a positive difference in the built environment has a part in
this. Policy-, strategy- and decision-makers have particular power to make this happen.
Our Shared Understanding recently launched at the World Circular Economy Forum 2023. You can watch the launch event on YouTube here.
Further information on the Who, What, Why, How can be found on the website here.
Image credit: Casey Horner