RECBE Publications

Low Carbon Concrete Routemap launch

Low Carbon Concrete Routemap launch

Concrete is the most used material on the planet. We rely on many forms of concrete each day, from pavers that we walk on to high-performance structural concrete used in our tall buildings and infrastructure. Yet the active ingredient in concrete – cement – is a potent source of greenhouse gases. Emissions from the cement used in the UK in a single year are equivalent to those from 7.2 million cars.

The launch of the Low Carbon Concrete Routemap, which examines how the infrastructure industry can use the latest tools, technologies, and materials to continue using concrete while working towards a zero-carbon future, was organised by ICE and took place on 27th April 2022. The route map has been put together by the Green Construction Board’s Low Carbon Concrete Group (LCCG) and makes wide-ranging recommendations for the industry and government.

Watch the event recording with speeches from Ed McCann (ICE President), Chris Newsome OBE (Affinity Water and Chair of Green Construction Board), Andrew Mullholland (LCCG), Dr Asha Panchal (Keltbray), Bruce Martin (Expedition Engineering), and Richard Kershaw (CEMEX) here.

Read the Low Carbon Concrete Routemap here.

Photo credit: Tanner Vote
